Diabetes Ayurvedic Powder

About 90% of people with diabetes have 2% type 2 diabetes. It can come on slowly, usually over the a :

Benmoon Pharma Research

  • Address: 403 Jeet Complex Near Jain Temple Lane CG Road Ahmedabad 380009

  • Business Type: Manufacturer

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About 90% of people with diabetes have 2% type 2 diabetes. It can come on slowly, usually over the a

PURITY AND GOOD HEALTH IS OUR GOAL Ayurvedacharya, Researcher, Doctor, Healer, Educationist, Visionary Mentor Founder & Promoter of Benmoon Pharma Research For more than 22 years, Dr. Dinesh Kacha has led the health care industry with innovative products and discoveries. Known as the 'Follower of Ayurveda , Dr. Dinesh Kacha compiles traditional blend of ancient wisdom with modern-day Science to develop research based formulations for patients across generations and geographies with his deep-rooted philosophy of creating perfect health for everybody. Dr. Dinesh Kacha addresses the root cause of insulin resistance and lack of insulin, reversing diabetes through ayurvedic lifestyle & fixing the metabolic damage that will not just prevent the disease but also reverse it as his researches believes that focus on lifestyle through the approach of Aahar Vihar Ausadh based on ayurvedic principles and processes will help the management of disease. Reverses Diabetes India Diabetes can cause a vast number of chronic health complications if left untreated. Across India, the program has shown spectacular results in diabetes patients, have controlled Sugar Level Naturally by following Diabetes Reversal Through Ayurvedic Lifestyle. Diabetes And Lifestyle The inactive lifestyle leads to loss of muscle mass that may cause insulin resistance because our bodies are meant to be physically active. For thousands of years we led an active lifestyle, and it is only for the past 100 years or so we have got somewhat sedentary. We addresses the root cause of the disease & corrects metabolism through the approach of Ayurveda. Why Does It Work? The bottom line within just 3 weeks of making the recommended lifestyle changes, patients usually feel better and see improvements in their weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Over time, we see diabetes drastic improvement in many cases. We also connect you with moral support & counseling that many have found extremely helpful to make the changes that fits your lifestyle, beliefs and culture Other than diabetes, this program has benefitted many to manage Hypertension, weight, Obesity, heart, kidney, impotency in men, loss of eyesight and also patients with complications related to retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy. Feel Better And More Energetic Many patients say they feel better and are more active than they were before the program. Imagine having more energy to do the things you love. “We’re hoping that our program can bring about a big change in the clinical approach to type 2 diabetes across the world. Final Outcome & Results As the incidence of diabetes continues to increase globally, the fight against this chronic condition continues. Once you join the diabetes reversal program, our expert analysis includes clinical measurements & evaluations of individuals sugar level, HBA1C, GTT , & other complications. Our dedicated health coach also analyzed your routine diet, lifestyle & regular guiding, counseling & your progress towards reversal. Who should attend this program? The diabetes reversal 12 months program is specially designed for 1) Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. 2) To participate in the Diabetes Reversal Program, you need to get register. 3) Any body can register to gain awareness. COMPOSITION Aal, Madhunashini, Amalaki, Tulsi, Methi, Jambu, Mamijava, Shilajeet, Vijaysar, Punarnava, Karlyatu, Brahmi, Vrukshamla, Shigru, Karela, Daruharidra, Ashwagandha, Gokharu, Haridra, Guduchi, Dalchini, Trikatu, Kalonji. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF INGREDIENT Aal (Noni) Proxeronine content can be capable recovering pancreatic beta cells. It had capability to convert peptides or amino acids into protein, so it will produce enough insulin which will normalize blood sugar level. Madhunashini Primary active components, gymnemic acid, which helps suppress sweetness and also block receptors of intestines and thus sugar absorption, lowers post-meal blood sugar levels. Amalaki Active ingredients like gallic acid, gallotanin, ellagic acid and corilagin possess anti-diabetic effects through their antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties. Tulsi Antioxidants of it produce eugenol, methyl eugenol and caryophyllene, collectively help the pancreatic cells to function properly and increase sensitivity to insulin. Methi The seeds contain fiber and other chemicals that may slow digestion and the body’s absorption of carbohydrates and sugar. Jambu Jamboline helps in converting starch into sugar which helps in controlling blood sugar level and may have the hypoglycemic effect. Mamijava Dipana-pachana (metabolic stimulant), vata-anulomaka (harmonizes neuro-endocrine activity), and tikta-paushtika (bitter-nutrient) properties indicative of the profound effects of on the carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Shilajeet Fulvic acid helps in eliminating free radicals which damage the pancreatic beta cells, which enables it to release insulin and flush out toxins from the body. Vijaysar Helps to promote insulin secretion due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Punarnava It helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn prevents the spike in blood sugar. Excellent hypoglycaemic property beneficial in regulating the blood sugar levels. Kariyatu It helps prevent damage to pancreatic cells and helps lower the level of blood sugar. Brahmi May help prevent anxiety and stress. An adaptogenic herb increases resistance to stress. Vrukshamla Stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism helps to Increase insulin sensitivity, blood sugar balance and control. Shigru Has an antihyperglycemic effect which helps to improve the metabolism of carbohydrates and controls the blood sugar levels. Karela Contains a lectin that reduces blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues and suppressing appetite. DARUHARIDRA It improves insulin sensitivity and promotes the uptake of glucose by the cells and tissues. Ashwagandha It stimulates the secretion of insulin in bloodstream thus improving the breakdown of sugars in the blood. Gokharu Having astringent, purgative, anti-bilious and anti-oxidant properties promotes digestion, relieves constipation and enhances healing abilities and healthy functioning of the kidney. Haridra May have properties that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, that appear to play a role in sugar level. Guduchi its extrapancreatic activities such as glycogenesis in liver, improving glucose uptake and utilization. By antioxidant property gives protection against tissue damage. Dalchini Helps to stimulates the release of insulin from pancreatic cells and improves the activity of receptors. Kalonji It enhances the metabolic rate and the thermogenic effect. It also increases the bioavailability of the foods, nutrients and medicines. FAQs What is Diabetes Reversal? Reversal of Diabetes is defined as a state when People with type 2 diabetes have achieved their HbA1c below 5.8 without taking diabetes medication for at least 3 months. How long does it take to achieve diabetes reversal? This depends on your clinical condition, your age, starting HbA1c, medications you are on and most importantly, your will and motivation. For people who follow all the instructions thoroughly, early signs of reversal can be seen as early as 30 days while in some it may take up to 3-4 months. People with shorter duration of diabetes, younger age, lesser medications and high levels of commitment generally achieve reversal in 12 months. How do you reverse diabetes? Insulin resistance means your body is unable to respond to the amount of the hormone insulin it is producing. Insulin is made by your pancreas, one of your body’s organs. It helps protect your body from getting too much sugar (glucose). Glucose gives you energy. However, too much sugar is harmful to your health. What causes insulin resistance? Obesity and inactive lifestyle, and a diet high in carbohydrates are the primary causes of insulin resistance. Some women develop insulin resistance while they are pregnant. This is called gestational diabetes. Certain diseases are associated with insulin resistance. That includes heart disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome. Who will take care of myself during the reversal phase? Our experts & health Coach will keep in touch with you and will update you time to time on when to reduce the medications as your blood sugar slowly normalize in the diabetes reversal program through ayurvedic lifestyle, your physical activity, exercise instructions including your progress. What are Diabetes risk factors? About 90% of people with diabetes have 2% type 2 diabetes. It can come on slowly, usually over the age of 40. The signs may not be obvious, or there may be no signs at all, therefore it might be up to 10 years before you find out you have it. You’re two to six times more likely to get type 2 diabetes if you have a parent, brother, sister or child with diabetes. You’re more at risk if you’ve ever had high blood pressure. Dosage *MORNING* Biobetes Crush with 150ml water (Empty Stomach OR Before Breakfast). *DAY* Biobetes Crush with 150ml water (Immediately after, Eat Salad 200 to 200 gm). *NIGHT* Biobetes Crush with 150ml water (Immediately after, Eat Salad 200 to 200 gm).

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