They come in fresh, fermented and dried form and each one of them has a distinct flavor and healthâ€enhancing properties.
Rich in nutrients: Shoots have a high content of protein (amino acids), carbohydrate, minerals, and severa vitamins.
High fiber content, almost no calories: Bamboo shoots are a good source of edible fiber (6 to 8 g/100 g fresh weight), which helps in lowering the blood cholesterol. Dietary fibers are vegetable fibers obtained from fiberâ€rich parts of plants. They are neutral in taste and odor free and have no calories and fats. Bamboo fiber is available as a white powder with at least 95% fiber.
Low fat: Fat content is extremely low in bamboo shoots (2.46 g/100 g) that are, therefore, very good for weightâ€conscious and dieting people.
Appetizer: The high cellulosic content of bamboo shoots stimulates appetite. Being crisp, crunchy, and tender with a sweet flavor, shoots have a unique and delicious taste that function as an appetizer.
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