Ayuvardan Antioxidant Health Tonic

Your immune system is your built-in defense force that fights off unwanted bacteria and viruses. Whi :
  • Address: 403 Jeet Complex Near Jain Temple Lane CG Road Ahmedabad 380009

  • Business Type: Manufacturer

Product Specification

Your immune system is your built-in defense force that fights off unwanted bacteria and viruses. Whi

Does Ayurveda work for everybody? Yes, Ayurveda works in 95% of cases. The other 5% is due to intense karmic sickness. What is Karmic Sickness? According to Ayurveda and Indian philosophy, this is a sickness caused by wrong doings in past lives, intentionally or unintentionally. COMPOSITION Basil, Aloevera, Sunthi, Ashwabala, Guduchi, Haridra, Ratiringani, Aal (Noni), Amala, Gajar, Green Tea, Palak, Draksha, Dadam, Godhum MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF INGREDIENT : Basil Basil posses disease combating property, acts as an anti-inflammatory, fights cancer, Contains antibacterial, antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. Aloevera Aloevera is enriched with vitamin A, C and E and vitamin B12. It has antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as laxative that helps to relieve constipation. Sunthi It accelerates metabolic rate to improve digestion. It helps to prevent various heart ailments and may helps to open the blockage in the blood vessels. Sunthi may also effective to lower high cholesterol. It gives a warm relief in cold and cough. Ashwabala It enhances all dhatus and thereby improves immunity, virility and sexual vitality. Being an excellent anti oxidant Ashwabala improves the nervine energy and is highly effective in male and female infertility and sexual dysfunction. Ashwabala cleanses and revitalizes the uro-genital musculature. Guduchi Guduchi is highly valued in Ayurveda for its detoxifying, rejuvenating, immunoboosting, and anti-rheumatic properties. It is effective for immune support, skin disorders, arthritis, liver disorders, gout (and rheumatic disorders) and also highly effective in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer. Haridra Haridra is an excellent choice for lowering blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance. It helps to slower the progress of cancer and minimizes the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It is helps to improve and strengthen complexion. Haridra significantly inhibits the growth of colorectal cancer cells. Ratiringani Such a fantastic antioxidant Ratiriangani. Improves vision, helps to fight cancer, clear skin & great source of vitamins and nutrients, reduces blood sugar levels, keep your bones healthy. They are packed with vitamins and iron that help strengthen your hair and can even add shine to damaged and lifeless hair. Also protects other structures of the body from oxygen damage. Aal (Noni) Traditionally, it is believed that a person who consumes Noni will gain horse-like strength and vitality. It helps the body to cope with daily stress. It improves the brain functions like attention and concentration. It is known to improve energy, stamina and endurance. Amala It is the richest natural source of vitamin “C” available on this planet. It helps mankind to live a longer and healthier life. Amala works as a good blood purifier. It helps to treat various diseases like diabetes, heart disease, diarrhea, fever, bacterial and viral infections. It works as a natural appetizer and maintain over all health and wellness. Gajar Gajar increases energy and purifies the blood. Gajar stabilizes blood sugar level. Increases immunity and fights against diseases. The potent nutrients in Gajar help to increase sperm count and also maintain the health of sperm in men. Highly rich in anti oxidant properties and vitamins make the skin young and healthy. Green Tea Green tea is fantastic for immune system, and can even promote calmness and relaxation. It may lower the risk of various types of cancer due to antioxidant property. It helps to improve the brain functions. Besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. Green tea can decrease risk of dying and helps you live longer. Palak Palak has been used to enrich body complexion. It is still promoted today, in Ayurvedic ways, as a sleep remedy for insomnia. It has an aphrodisiac property, which boost energy and vitality to improve physical performance. Draksha Draksha boosts memory power and acts as a brain tonic. It regulates functions of digestive system hence widely used in thirst, indigestion and Constipation. Dadam Dadam is a proven rich source of anti oxidants, hence it is very good for heart. It cleanses and clarifies oral cavity, throat, esophagus stomach and chest. It improves intelligence, immunity and body strength. Godhum As nature’s powerhouse of Vitamin E, Godhum is a natural aid for enhancing immunity and cardiovascular health along with enormous benefits for the skin and hair. Godhum in Ayurveda is recommended in the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, dry skin conditions, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, eczema, hair loss and in the enhancement of cognitive ability, heart health and liver functions. Benefits Of Ayuvardan Enhances Immune System and Resistance Power • Keeps body young and agile by its Rejuvenation property • Preserves health and longevity • Increases physical and mental capabilities• Enhances concentration and memory power • Increases the capacity of sense organs • Strengthen body system & maintain more active lifestyle and better fitness. AYUVARDAN & CANCER * Ayuvardan Antioxidant Properties enhances cellular structure which cancer destroys. * It helps stimulate the body production of other fighting elements and natural killer cells. *Inhibits pre cancer function and growth of cancer tumor by allowing abnormal cells to function more normally. * It helps to slower the progress of cancer and minimizes the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, TISSUES & CELLS * Ayuvardan is a superior anti oxidant that helps your body rid itself of harmful free radicals and may increase your energy. * It plays an important role in circulatory system; it transports all-important nutricals to the various parts of the body till cellular level. * It dilates the blood vessel and maintains the blood flow throughout the vessels properly. Dosage Adult: For first 3 days, take 10ml (2 teaspoon) Ayuvardan with 150ml luke warm water twice a day morning and evening on empty stomach before meals. Onwards 4rth day, take 15ml (3 teaspoon) Ayuvardan with 150 ml luke warm water twice a day on empty stomach before meals.

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