"VAISHNODEVI BRASS INDUSTRIES" is Family owned company and it is well known company in the line of Manufacturing and exporting brass sanitary parts and brass components. We have stared our business with metal casting furnace named as "VAISHNODEVI METAL CAST" in the year 1989. As time passes the brass component market has a great demand in domestic and international markets. Then we expand our business to manufacturing unit named "VAISHNODEVI BRASS INDUSTRIES" as manufacturer of brass component, and as we manufacture quality product by this way we earned the great image and respectful company in the line of manufacturing brass components and brass sanitary parts. our product portfolio includes brass sanitary parts like brass cartridges, brass spindle, we have expertise in ceramic disc spindle, and custom brass components, brass electrical parts, etc... our product has got widely accepted in international market i.e. countries like Europe, Gulf, Asia, Africa etc.. Our aim is not to sell the product, but we provide product with solution.

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Our Products


Brass ceramic spindle

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