
Welcome To Cake Studio

Hi I am Purva Dheeraj Ranadive. From the beginning I had a desire to work in the food industry and therefore searched for a lot of business related to the same Finally while searching I came across the concept of making and selling of cake. I liked it and started to learn cake making and to set up the business. I attended different workshops to get a lot of practice. When I gained confidence, I started my business. The first cake of my business was prepared on 11th June 2019 to celebrate my daughter's first birthday. Gradually I started getting bakery orders. Ice cake would have Over a period of time I realized that people are tired of eating cream cake. Adults disfavor cream and then I introduced the concept of healthy dry cake which is prepared organically using healthy ingredients like milk, dates, dry fruits etc. I started using them in the cake and the demand for it increased. Eventually, new flavors in dry cakes were brought to the market in an organic manner

Company Details

Name of Founder Purva Dheeraj Randive
Business Type Service Provider
Ownership Type Individual Proprietor