Paper Cups

Buyer is looking for 'Paper Cups'.

Delivery Location :Tirupati,Andhra Pradesh

Purpose : Business Purpose

description:- We need best price and best offers please send me your offers and price to buy Paper Cups

Purchasing Time : Current requirement

Quantity Required : 1000
Approximate Order Value(INR) : Pcs
Preferred Suppliers Location : Anywhere in India
Want to Buy : Immediate
Requirement Type : Regular

Umar Shaik

Country: India

Location: Tirupati, India

Company Name: xxxxxx

Mobile: 9392xxxxxx

Email: xxxxxxx

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30 Sep, 2022
Paper Cups
We need best price and best offers please send me your offers and price to buy Paper Cups
Member Type Contact Buyer
30 Sep, 2022

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